“Within the Veil and Between the Masks: Reflections on Unveilings and Unmaskings after the Apocalypse,” in Masquerade: Scripturalizing Modernities through Black Flesh, ed. Vincent L. Wimbush, 69-76. Lexington/Fortress (2023).
“The Bible and Latinxs,” in Bloomsbury Religion in North America, ed. Lloyd Barba, Theology and Religion Online, Bloomsbury (2022).
“Revelation: Determination Beyond Hope,” in Latinx Perspectives on the New Testament, ed. Osvaldo D. Vena and Leticia A. Guardiola-Sáenz, 433-450. Lexington/Fortress (2022).
“‘So Many of Our Destinies Are Tied Beyond Our Understanding:’ Rethinking Religious Hybridity in Latinx/o/a Contexts.” Missiology: An International Review 50, no. 1 (2022):17-26.
“Defying the Meaning Line: Reading Brian Blount’s Presidential Address alongside Lxs Atravesadxs.” The Bible & Critical Theory 17, no. 1 (2021): 36-45.
“Biblical Interpretation and/as Queer Temporalities: A Response,” Biblical Interpretation 28 (2020): 516-531.
“Scripturalizing the Pandemic,” Journal of Biblical Literature 139, no. 3 (2020): 625-34.
“Latina Diversity and Difference in Biblical Studies,” in Women and the Society of Biblical Literature, ed. Nicole L. Tilford, 175-191. Society of Biblical Literature (2019).
“La Lucha for Home and La Lucha as Home: Latinx/a/o Theologies and Ecologies,” Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology 13, no. 1 (2019): 1-21.
“The Roman Empire in the Book of Revelation,” in The Oxford Handbook of Postcolonial Biblical Criticism, ed. R. S. Sugirtharajah (Oxford University Press 2019/2022): Oxford Handbooks Online.
“The Bible and Global-Systemic Criticism in the Age of ‘Fake News,’” Contribution to Roundtable on “Fake News vs. Good News: Texts, Tweets, and Technology,” Perspectivas 16 (2019): 105-110.
“The Chicano Student Movement as Religious and The Spiritual Plan of Aztlán as Scriptural and Utopian,” in Religion and Power, ed. Jione Havea, 105-122 (Lexington Books/Fortress Academics 2019).
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“Place Matters, Or Utopian Orientations and Latina Feminist Biblical Studies,” Response to “Roundtable on Revelation in Aztlán,” Perspectivas 15 (2018): 98-106.
“No Future for Biblical Studies? Or, Still Living with a Contingent Apocalypse as Biblical Interpretation Turns 25.” In Present and Future of Biblical Studies: Celebrating 25 Years of Brill’s Biblical Interpretation, ed. Tat-siong Benny Liew, 133-155 (Brill, 2018).
“‘Our Book of Revelation…Prescribes Our Fate and Releases Us from It’: Scriptural Disorientations in Cherríe L. Moraga’s The Last Generation.” In Sexual Disorientations: Queer Temporalities, Affects, Theologies, ed. Kent L. Brintnall, Joseph A. Marchal, and Stephen D. Moore, 113-132 (Fordham University Press, 2018).
“California Dreams or Colonial Nightmares? St. Serra, the Missions, and the Borderlands of Memory,” New Theology Review 30, no. 1 (2017): 11-23.
“Adelante in Difference: Latinxs in the Age of Trump.” In Faith and Resistance in the Age of Trump, ed. Miguel A. De La Torre, 200-207 (Orbis Books, 2017).
“Competing Land Claims and Conflicting Scriptures: Chemehuevi and Chicano Sacred Sites in Blythe, CA.” In Refractions of the Scriptural: Critical Orientations as Transgression, ed. Vincent L. Wimbush, 107-120 (Routledge, 2016).
“Reading from No Place: Towards a Hybrid and Ambivalent Study of Scriptures.” In Latino/a Biblical Hermeneutics: Problematic, Objectives, Strategies, ed. Fernando F. Segovia and Francisco Lozada, 165-186. Semeia Studies (Society of Biblical Literature Press, 2014).
“Struggling with Mindsets of Domination.” In Feminist Biblical Studies in the 20th Century, ed. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, 199-215. Vol. 20 of The Bible and Women: An Encyclopedia of Exegesis and Cultural History (Society of Biblical Literature Press, 2014).
“The Politics of Reading: U.S. Latinas, Biblical Studies, and ‘Retrofitted Memory’ in Demetria Martínez’s Mother Tongue.” in The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 29, no. 2 (2013): 120-131.
“Latinos/as and Catholic-Jewish Relations in the Americas,” in Toward the Future: Essays on Catholic-Jewish Relations in Memory of Rabbi Leon Klenicki, ed. Celia Deutsch, Eugene Fisher, and James Rudin, 198–211 (Paulist Press 2013).
“Scripting Latinidad: (Re)Defining Textual Selves and Worlds in the Age of MySpace,” Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology (February 2009).